Thursday, June 11, 2009

Other Things Manny Ramirez Didn't Do

I didn't kill nobody.
I didn't rape nobody.
I didn't steal no candy from no baby.
I didn't try to exterminate no large group of people in no mass genocide.
I didn't get no country stuck in a never-ending war with no middle-eastern nation.
I didn't break your Butterfinger bar or nothing.
I dind't start no internet campaign to elect no minor leaguers or steroid users to no all-star game.
I didn't tarnish my image or nothing.
I didn't get suspended from the game for very long or nothing.

I did, however, ruin some peoples Fantasy Baseball teams.  For that, I apologize profusely.

Kobe Bryant takes "Manny Defense" to deny Steroid use

"Hey, I didn't kill nobody. I didn't rape nob- Oh, actually, wait a second..."

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Love Cheese! I Put Provolone in My Socks at Night So They Smell Like Your Sister's [Sports Ticker] in the Morning!

-The Orioles have asked Vice President Joe Biden to throw out the first pitch today. Due to their lack of pitching, he will also throw the following 99 pitches.

-I am not going to make a joke about Brett Myers and potential continued domestic abuse after his getting shelled last night. That would be inappropriate.

-There's a category on Sports Center called "Unhappy Coach," which I think is the title of the new Mitch Albom book.

-Jay Cutler asks Bears to paint his locker black in order to "reflect the gloomy forecast of [his] soul."

-Report: Donte Stallworth "alarmed" to learned that manslaughter means murder and does not refer to a manwhich type barbeque dish.

-Michael Jordan elected to Basketball Hall of Fame, narrowly misses induction to Baseball Hall of Fame.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

That's Not a Fortune!

From the inside of a fortune cookie: "It's fun being a kid."

I expect my fortune cookies to tell me that an attractive stranger is going to rub my feet, not something like that.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009